
Employee Spotlight: Jerry Rogers

Media, PA Office

  1. How did you first learn about TD&H?
    “I was walking out of Wegman’s (Grocery Store) and ran into Brad Smith, a
    structural engineer from the media office. He was my intern at a previous
    engineering firm. He told me how much he liked working for Paul and TD&H”
  2. What is your role at TD&H?
    “Structural engineering project manager.”
  3. Before working at TD&H, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
    “Working in complete darkness manufacturing film at kodak the summer after I graduated high school.”
  4. What are 3 words to describe TD&H?
    “Family, easy-going, and active.”
  5. What do you find the most challenging at TD&H?
    “Trying to find new clients or proving yourself to new clients.”
  6. What do you like most about TD&H?
    “It sounds like I’m kissing up, but working for an easy-going and understanding boss like Paul. The environment in the office is great for fostering career growth.”
  7. What drew you to TD&H originally? And how has TD&H changed since?
    “I came to TD&H because there was the opportunity to grow my career and broaden the variety of projects I work on. I haven’t been here long enough for TD&H to change.”
  8. What is your favorite part about working for TD&H?
    “The flexible work hours and the easy-going office environment. “
  9. How do you balance your career at TD&H, education and family?
    “I just do.”
  10. Any favorite line from a movie?
    “Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it.”
    – Guardians of the Galaxy
  11. What do you like to do on your days off?
    “Hiking with my dogs, kayaking, or rock climbing.”
  12. What is the first concert you attended?
    “It might have been Counting Crows or Chadwick Stokes.”
  13. If you could be stuck in an elevator with any 3 people, dead or alive, who would they be?
    “My deceased brother Mike, my climbing partner Ryan, and my college friend Phil.”
  14. Best advice you’ve ever been given?
    “Don’t care or stress over what others think of you, it’s not worth the real estate they take up in your head.”
    -My friend Phil
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