Employee Spotlight: Reese Spears
Great Falls Office
- How did you first learn about TD&H? “From family members that had acquaintances That work here.”
- What is your role at TD&H? “EIT and Inspector/Tester.”
- Before working at TD&H, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had? “Filming Montana Tech’s Football Practices and games.”
- What are 3 words to describe TD&H? “Determined, Knowledgeable, and thorough.”
- What do you find most challenging about TD&H? “Checking and interpreting the meaning of different specifications that aren’t very clear.”
- What do you like most about TD&H? “It seems like a good work environment, where you have all the resources to get work done.”
- What drew you to TD&H originally? “It’s ability to take on and perform a wide variety of work for clients.”
- What is your favorite part about working for TD&H? “That the supervisors are very understanding and are easy to work with or talk to.”
- How do you balance your career at TD&H, education and family? “I have not had to balance these yet, as I have only worked during the summers or after I graduated, and I also don’t have a family yet.”
- Any favorite line from a movie? “If you don’t say goodbye than somebody is never gone, they just aren’t here right now.”
- What do you like to do on your days off? “I like to either hang out with friends or go outdoors and snowmobile, ski, hunt, or exercise.”
- What is the first concert you attended? “Yung Gravy in Missoula”
- If you could be stuck in an elevator with any 3 people, dead or alive, who would they be? “The inventor of the crowbar, The inventor of the ladder, and the inventor of the pizza. That way you have a way to get out and a meal to go with it.”
- Best advice you’ve ever been given? “Never show all your cards, just enough to win.”