
Employee Spotlight: Reese Spears

Great Falls Office

  1. How did you first learn about TD&H? “From family members that had acquaintances That work here.”
  2. What is your role at TD&H? “EIT and Inspector/Tester.”
  3. Before working at TD&H, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had? “Filming Montana Tech’s Football Practices and games.”
  4. What are 3 words to describe TD&H? “Determined, Knowledgeable, and thorough.”
  5. What do you find most challenging about TD&H? “Checking and interpreting the meaning of different specifications that aren’t very clear.”
  6. What do you like most about TD&H? “It seems like a good work environment, where you have all the resources to get work done.”
  7. What drew you to TD&H originally? “It’s ability to take on and perform a wide variety of work for clients.”
  8. What is your favorite part about working for TD&H? “That the supervisors are very understanding and are easy to work with or talk to.”
  9. How do you balance your career at TD&H, education and family? “I have not had to balance these yet, as I have only worked during the summers or after I graduated, and I also don’t have a family yet.”
  10. Any favorite line from a movie? “If you don’t say goodbye than somebody is never gone, they just aren’t here right now.”
  11. What do you like to do on your days off? “I like to either hang out with friends or go outdoors and snowmobile, ski, hunt, or exercise.”
  12. What is the first concert you attended? “Yung Gravy in Missoula”
  13. If you could be stuck in an elevator with any 3 people, dead or alive, who would they be? “The inventor of the crowbar, The inventor of the ladder, and the inventor of the pizza. That way you have a way to get out and a meal to go with it.”
  14. Best advice you’ve ever been given? “Never show all your cards, just enough to win.”
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