TD&H was awarded a second timber bridge bundle project in Fall 2021 to provide preliminary design (Phase 1) services for the replacement of 12 bridges on US Highway 12 northwest of Forsyth. Our team is providing these services for MDT in preparation of a Design-Build solicitation, including survey (control, engineering, cadastral, utility, hydraulic); geotechnical; environmental; preliminary/concept roadway and bridge design; hydraulics; public involvement; cost estimation; risk analysis; traffic management and construction phasing recommendations; and R/W design.
Project Highlights:
- Wildlife Accommodations Investigation | Game cameras have been installed at select sites to monitor wildlife movements and aid in developing the Wildlife Accommodation Recommendation Memo (WARM), building off of lessons learned on the Timber Bridges-Glasgow Area project.
- Survey Logistics | Three separate control survey networks are used on this project to maximize efficiency and leverage previous work in the corridor. Two areas densified existing control networks, and another area was newly created. Four crews have been working on this project to meet schedule.
- Trucking Industry Coordination | This corridor is a “high and wide” corridor for oversized trucks. Our geotechnical engineer and project managers coordinated with District Maintenance, Motor Carrier Services (MCS), and Transportation Management Center (TMC) to mitigate impacts that our drilling operations have on the trucking industry. After discussion with the trucking industry, our drilling operations were shown on the 511 Road Condition Map.
- Complex Hydrologic Analysis | The hydraulic corridor required evaluation of several hydrologic methods to establish the hydrology at each site including methods applicable to drainage basins greater than one square mile, drainage basins less than one square mile, and sites with coincidental flow from adjacent waterways.