
Project Spotlight: Missouri & Sun River Water Main Crossings

Location: Great Falls, MT

Since the 1970s, Great Falls has relied on four river crossings to maintain pressure and flow in the City’s distribution system. To address water supply redundancy limitations, we were contracted to complete a River Crossing Evaluation and recommended alignments for three new crossings; one under the Sun River and two under the Missouri River. Following the study, we were selected to design the Sun River and Upper Missouri River watermain crossings. We provided permitting, geotechnical and hydrofracturing analysis, topographic and bathymetric surveying, river scour analysis, design, bidding, construction administration and monitoring, CMT, and closeout for the two horizontal directional drilling (HDD) crossings. The Sun and Missouri River HDD construction included 1,550 LF of 20″ FPVC and 3,450 LF of 24″ FPVC pipe, respectively. Depths below the Missouri River channel exceed 90′ for much of the profile.


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