Project Spotlight: Pine St. Reconstruction
Location: Leavenworth, WA
This project reconstructed approximately 0.5 miles of Pine Street between Ski Hill Drive and Titus Road. Funding for the project was secured from multiple sources, including Federal Funds through WSDOT Local Programs, Washington State TIB, Chelan County, Cascade School District, and the City of Leavenworth. Acquisitions for additional right-of-way and easements were required, including the need to authorize condemnation on one property. Design elements on the project included roadway widening and realignment, curbs and sidewalks, storm water swales and pipe network, and a shared-use pathway. New lighting was installed, along with a School Zone Signing System for the adjacent elementary school. As a result of public input gathered from community meetings, traffic calming was incorporated into the design by installing curb return extensions at the two school crossing locations. One of the challenges on this project was being able to widen the roadway while addressing complicated grading restrictions with many of the residential driveway connections. To address safety concerns with the elementary school during construction, the schedule was accelerated to start and finish the work during summer break.