TD&H provides miscellaneous and task-based engineering services as needed for the City of Livingston including. TD&H’s role requires close collaboration with the City of Livingston’s Public Works Director and stakeholders.
TD&H worked closely with Montana DEQ during the ongoing remedial design and planning for the project that is located in the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Livingston clean-up site regulated by Montana’s Comprehensive Environmental Cleanup and Responsibility Act (CERCA – State Superfund).
TD&H provided civil site design, floodplain management services, and environmental services for the upgrade and expansion of the City of Livingston’s wastewater reclamation facility. Completed site grading and utility plans including potable water main, gravity collection, and treatment facility piping. Performed environmental field screening and worked closely with Montana DEQ during the ongoing remedial design and planning for the project which is located within the BNSF State Superfund (CERCA) Site. Determined base flood elevations and mechanical equipment elevation requirements while working with the local Floodplain Administrator to plan facility improvements located within the Yellowstone River floodplain.
Client Name
City of Livingston
Job Site Location
Livingston, MT