Missouri River Forcemain Crossing Feasibility Study

TD&H was recently selected to evaluate alignment and construction method alternatives for a new forcemain across the Missouri River. Relying on our recent Missouri and Sun River water main crossing experience and history of client service, TD&H was rewarded with the contract. We are honored that the City selected our firm and entrusted us with the responsibility to ensure they system safely and reliably conveys wastewater across the Missouri River for decades to come.

The existing forcemain conveys nearly 40% of the City’s raw sewage from the 6th Street Lift Station in Elk’s Riverside Park to the wastewater treatment plant. The current pipe was installed in 1979 under emergency conditions following a catastrophic pipe failure of the original forcemain within the river channel. A new forcemain crossing will provide several environmental and operational benefits including sewage conveyance redundancy during scheduled repairs or unexpected failures. TD&H will investigate various routes and construction techniques, assess the advantages and disadvantages of each, then provide the City recommendations for implementing design of a redundant forcemain crossing.

TD&H collected aerial footage with our drone to provide City staff a visual illustration of potential alignment corridors during the consultant selection interview. The edited video can be seen here: