Refinery Occupational Exposure Monitoring

Calumet Montana Refining required 3rd-party testing of their employee exposure to various physical and chemical hazards found in the refinery. Calumet required asbestos abatement clearances for various projects requiring the removal of asbestos in the refinery. Under the direction of the Calumet Safety Director, TD&H IH technicians monitored groups of employees for exposure to sound, Hydrogen Sulfide, and various VOCs. TD&H recorded meter readings and laboratory analytical results into a database. The results, including employee activities during the monitoring period, were included in letters to individual employees that stated their exposure as compared to OSHA permissible exposure limits (PELs). TD&H performed final visual and air clearances following asbestos abatement and provided letter reports with the clearance results.


Client Name

Calumet Montana Refining

Job Site Location

Great Falls, MT