Funding Procurement
Through decades of assisting with the development and implementation of municipal infrastructure improvements, TD&H Engineering has cultivated a unique understanding of the challenges facing small communities; repairing and replacing aging utilities with few users to share capital costs. TD&H’s certified grant administrators (i.e. paperwork gurus) and engineers (i.e. technical geeks) collaborate to link technical recommendations with realistic budgets, while emphasizing documentation and factors that influence competitive grant rankings.
For many municipalities, the initial assignment involves preparing a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) or other planning document to identify system deficiencies and evaluate cost effective repairs. Our primary objective throughout the technical and financial planning process is to maximize capital improvements while limiting debt service and preserving current reserves. By applying the diverse, individual experiences of our professional staff, we are able to emphasize arguments proven to result in higher grant scores.
TD&H has successfully secured every traditional and non-traditional funding sources including: the Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP), Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), the Department of Natural Resources (DNRC), Conservation Renewable Resources Grant/Loan Program (RRGL), USDA Rural Development (RD) grant and loan programs, Quality Schools Grant Program (QSGP), Predevelopment Planning Grant (PPG), and the Montana, Washington, and Idaho State Revolving Fund loan programs for both water and sewer projects. TD&H has also assisted municipalities to obtain Federal Appropriation grants through the Water Resource Development Act (WRDA) and State and Tribal Assistance Grant (STAG) programs, along with several funding programs for bridge, roadway and trails projects through Federal Highways Administration and Montana, Washington, and Idaho Transportation Departments.
When debt is necessary to supplement grant commitments, the issuance of bonds through a local election may be required. As a result, financing critical repairs can develop into a political discussion. Like any election, a public information campaign supporting the project importance and benefits is the key to successful bond approval. Our marketing department partners with Northwest Media, a TD&H subsidiary company, to publish brochures, press releases, informational websites, social media campaigns, marketing exhibits and a variety of other creative means of engaging residents to understand the critical nature of the utility improvements.
Client appreciation is the ultimate recognition of our commitment to their financial considerations.
“TD&H has been a godsend and they have stuck it out without ANY pay for OVER a YEAR on a 60-day original contract” – Jeff Carlisle, Simms County Sewer District President
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Libby Preliminary Engineering Report
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