TD&H Engineering provided conceptual design, detail design and construction management for an estimated $45 million multi-phase infrastructure improvements project at the City of Great Falls Water Treatment Plant. Several facilities were beyond their useful life and required replacement due to obsolete components. Additionally, recent regulatory standards associated with the Long-Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment (LT2) Rule required the City to install supplemental disinfection. UV treatment units were pre-selected through an exhaustive investigation that integrated Montana Department of Environmental Quality personnel throughout each phase of the process. In addition to new treatment and administration facilities, an existing 2 million gallon at-grade, steel finished water storage tank was replaced with a cast-in-place structure designed to complement the historic water treatment plant architecture.
To secure an SRF loan through the MDEQ Drinking Water Program, TD&H prepared a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) based on conceptual design phase analyses for each deficient facility, process and component. The PER, along with the Uniform Application, was submitted to the SRF Program to successfully secure $25 million dollars in construction loan funds. Additional upgrades include a new electrical room addition to house updated switchgear, a new chemical feed/UV building, an administration building addition, large diameter ductile iron yard piping and valves (24”-64” diameter) and miscellaneous civil improvements.
This project won the American Council of Engineering Companies of Montana Grand Project Award Winner (2019).

Client Name
City of Great Falls
Job Site Location
Great Falls, MT